Holiday 2024 Collection
Shooting this year’s Holiday Collection was incredibly special. It was a chance have my curation shot alongside the treasures collected from my dear friend Audra of Art/artefact shot by my beautiful friend Shelby Davies. The details of Audra’s home felt so warm and thoughtful - a draped sea of stripes, a touch of whimsy from a red pear, her collection of The Artist’s Eye, pink jordan almonds that brought me to my childhood; it was a place where every item had purpose and story. What a joy in this lifetime to be able to meet kindred spirits and have your passions flourish alongside each other.

Notes on Dressing
My favorite way of dressing is memory invoking. I love vintage and antique pieces for the stories they hold, I love jewelry that has meaning to me. A gold coin necklace from the Isle of Man that my grandad had gifted my grandmother years ago that was then gifted to me the day I graduated college. My grandad had passed away a few days before I graduated and this necklace always makes me think of him. A ring that I purchased in Calabria - I remember showing my nonna the ring and she held my hands in hers. That trip was the last time I saw my nonna before she passed away. I carry her with me when I wear it. I like to wear perfume that was gifted to me from someone I love. Usually on a trip or during a special time I try and pick a scent to wear so that when I wear that scent again it transports me right back to those moments. Dressing can be so incredibly personal and powerful. I feel my most beautiful and most self when I dress with this intention.
Jane Elizabeth Inskeep
With what I feel for you - it is hard to even find the words how you have changed my life. From the minute I found out I was pregnant I had a calm over me about you and how this journey would be. I have struggled with a panic disorder since I was 18 years old and there were times that I thought being a mother wouldn’t be in the cards for me. You have shown me just how strong I am and how powerful love is. When I look at you I can’t believe how perfect you are - you are your father and I’s entire world. My birth story is one that always escapes my mind, I think it is my body’s way of forgetting the trauma because all I truly remember is you in my arms in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep. We are lucky to be here and those moments truly showed me that every day is not to be taken for granted - it makes me that more grateful for you and for love. You are my reason. I love you forever my Jane. Love, Mom.
For a few years now I have wanted to encompass all of my feelings and passions into a new visual identity - something that resonated more with me. Something simple, whimsical, and nostalgia inducing. Nostalgia for the present. Encompassing familial roots, inspiration from food, antique signage, perfume bottles, posters, the depth of the color green and how it resonates with my life currently. Inspirations from past and present, the new visual logo envelops so much more within it than which meets the eye, it holds a piece of me. The color we chose to highlight reminds me of an aged yet familiar green, the stone prasiolite that I wore for my wedding day, a worn and washed green that has witnessed the passing of time, a color that holds memory and intrigue. I wanted the new footprint of my business to have more of my story within it. Working with Zander and Simon Abranowicz of Abbr. Projects brought this vision to life — from start to finish it felt like we were bringing something special and deeply personal out into the World. I could not have picked a better team to help me realize all that it would encompass.
September 2022
Super8 stills of my time in Calabria, Italy
May 2022
One of the most beautiful days of our lives - our wedding on a sweet hot day in May. I remember coming to where we were married as a little girl and running along the hills and through the old sweeping trees. This place holds such magic. The beginning of forever. Beautiful film photos by Michelle Chu.

A few personal inspirations of mine for the New Year - Sun on bare skin. Touch. A home cooked meal. Love. Running as fast as possible. Kindness. Stories. Walking for miles. Raw moments in time. Gardens. Light. Emotion. Vast, Open Spaces. Details. Memories. Effort. Romance. Laughter. Connection. Intimacy. The way the wind sweeps through the trees. Selflessness. Passion. Stillness and Quiet. Hope. YOU. You are the only one who can see and feel life through your own lens. How special is it that your story, your feelings, your wonder - are all your own. If you ever feel unsure of yourself or uninspired come back to this sentiment, come back to you. You are inspiration in itself.
There is always shift in the air come August. A feeling of slowing down, of a certain calm and stillness that I don’t quite feel at any other time. At the beginning of this month I went home for my mother’s birthday. We had dinner underneath the large fig tree in my backyard which was planted by my grandfather many years ago. He has been gone for over four years now but somehow underneath this beautiful tree he planted I felt his presence there with us as the sun set. It reminded me that every little thing you do in this life has meaning and purpose. That your spirit can be remembered in the smallest acts of kindness and by doing what you love and sharing that with others.

A moment in time that will live in my heart forever.

DECEMBER 31 2019
Looking to 2020 I want to move through my life with appreciation of all, the joy of the breakthrough of the sun with having known the purpose of the rain. To know that there is growth in both ups and downs, to know the ebbs and flows are both beautiful.
A subtle shift in light and feeling, the beginning of Autumn is one of the most beautiful beginnings in the year. This year I wanted to welcome the season with intentionality. An opportunity to slow down the motions in order to fully appreciate them. To be able to truly think before taking action, to savor every moment.
JUNE 2019
APRIL 2019
A concept that has been on my mind as of late is that of journeys. A process, having multitudes of meaning throughout our lives. We are all working towards something, trying to get over certain things, looking for meaning and purpose. With spring here it feels like a form of rebirth to be able to finally put some journeys to rest that no longer serve you and to look on to ones that will aid in your growth. I have heard that the journey is better than the destination, but for me, at this moment in time, relishing in the destination feels like finally coming home after taking the long way.
Joaquín Sorolla
coming home
I have never been good at putting my emotions and feelings into words but rather through photos and thought. I wanted to share my journey now, with words. Five years ago, I developed a panic and anxiety disorder during my first year in college. This was something that hit me hard out of the blue and pushed me right on my back. This was the hardest and most painful thing that I have ever been through. To say this was the worst time in my life is an understatement. I felt alone, helpless, scared, and lost all confidence in myself. Throughout the years I have masked this problem - up until around a year ago, not even the people closest to me knew of my struggles. Almost a year ago I sought out help and this was the best decision I could have made. Through months of therapy, I have learned that being open is a form of healing. I now talk very openly about what I have been through and continue to go through, which is something I never thought I would be able to do. I have learned just how strong we can be, how much we can endure, and how in spite of hard times, one never really loses who they are at the core of their being. For a long time I was afraid of what people would think of me if they knew of my struggles, while all the while I have been open about being an advocate for mental illness and reducing stigma, I did not want to be included. I now take it upon myself to not let my suffering be in vain, but to let it be something that I can use to educate others who may be going through the same. I want all to know that both myself and this business are ADVOCATES for reducing the stigma around mental health, for providing education about mental health, and for fighting for a better health care system in which people who are suffering can get the help that they need. Thank you for listening.
In collaboration with Casa Shop, the Gallery Collection. A chance to put passions and visions together to create an intimate gallery experience. To experience different paintings and sculptures further than the eye - with the touch of fingertips, palms, hips and back.
My beloved grandmother, Maria Palermo. Born and raised in Villa San Giuseppe in Southern Italy, my grandmother was a seamstress by trade starting at the age of 13. She made the most beautiful clothing ranging from dresses, pants, suits, and tops. My grandmother has the kindest presence, always welcoming with a warm smile and embrace. Although language is a barrier between us, love shared is not. When thinking of the production of my first piece, I thought of how special it would be to have someone I love so much make the first ones. Named after my grandmother, The Palermo Top is something for me that is once in a lifetime.
MAY 2018
On a perfect Spring day, surrounded by friends and warmth, I was able to shoot a special collection in collaboration with New York based baker Lauren Schofield. It was so heartwarming to be able to shoot people who mean so much to me while also being able to enjoy Lauren's beautiful work of handmade milk bread, olive oil orange upside down cake, lemon panna cotta, almond thimble cookies, and bombolini with hibiscus pastry cream. From dappled light seeping through rosebushes, to the sweet and refreshing wind, this will be a day that will stay with me for a long time.
APRIL 2018
A feeling of home. A feeling that all is right, even if just for a fleeting moment. A feeling of calm, an influx of memories, a warm embrace. Certain places in my life give me this unique rush of emotion. For me, one of these places is by the water. I grew up very close to the beach - I can remember looking out to the water for hours, letting the sun warm my skin. Running along the shore, diving in the water and feeling weightless. Somewhere I went to get away but also a place shared with so many loved ones. I chose the beach as the location for my very first shoot for my site because of the love I have for it - I wanted that love to seep through every first photo. I believe every person has this place, one special area that you feel is all yours, that no one can love exactly the same way as you do.
March 2018
How special life is, that we can notice and feel the warmth and tenderness of romance through photographs, music, even the simplest of sounds and touch. One of my favorite quotes is from Shana Chandra for anyonegirl which reads "Romance is not always between lovers. Nor is it confined to gestures. It can be a lens through which you notice life, through the smallest of things - the way a spoon is held, the way certain light diffuses through a window." I have always been enthralled with romance and everything connected to it. I try and see life through this lens and try to see the beauty of things even when that is not always easy. I wanted to share some of my favorite romantic films which are near to my heart - Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, The Light Between Oceans, A Room with a View, Emma, and Persuasion.
MARCH 2018
On a beautiful early spring day while shooting, my friend and I were stopped by a sweet woman asking what we were shooting. She preceded to tell us how she loved vintage objects and invited us to tour her home. A beautiful home built in 1906 right across from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Large open windows with hazy light seeping through, old books and paintings, which she knew every story behind. Sweet bedrooms with light pink bedding and lace covered bed frames. A home filled with abundant history and loved pieces, which I loved being able to see.
On a recent trip to my father's home town of Reggio Calabria in the South of Italy, I developed a love and appreciation for Murano glass. Visiting the homes of loved ones, I began to notice a common aspect of the decor - Murano. Murano glassware, perfume bottles, light fixtures, paperweights, even little decorative candies. The more I saw it the more I grew to love it not only for its beauty, but for something to carry with me as a symbol of the love I have for my heritage. I have curated favorite Murano Glass fixtures from eBay, Marc Petrovic, The Venetian Glass Museum, Paolo Venini, and Vetri Swirl Lamp Curated by Joana of La Mignonette.
One of my favorite films for reasons of love, nostalgia for a childhood home, and for memories never forgotten; Cinema Paradiso. Cinema Paradiso is a 1988 Italian film written by Giuseppe Tornatore and was set in the 1940's in Sicily. This film highlights many different types of intense loves - the love you have for a partner, a place, a passion. It encompasses a feeling that is hard to describe but familiar all the same. How is it that things change but stay the same all at once? This movie made me feel a nostalgia for my own childhood. For memories that will never change even though everything around it seems to. There are feelings that never leave us no matter where life takes us and this movie brings light to that in the most beautiful way.
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January 2018
Joana of La-Mignonette and I have curated a collection of photographs from London based furniture business 1934 along with creations from Adolf Loos and Ikoson. 1934 is operated by Abel Sloane and Ruby Woodhouse. Together they research, buy, sell, loan, source and photograph furniture. Ruby Woodhouse produces imagery for 1934 whose photography and vision is nothing short of true subtle beauty. 1934 is inspired by Gerrit Reitveld's "crate series" in 1934 which to the duo epitomises democratic interior and involvement that everyone can enjoy. I find a quiet comfort in visiting the site and curations of 1934. The imagery takes me to the feeling of warmth I have when entering and admiring a space that I connect with.